Podcast Reimagining Your Truth The past couple weeks we went deep into nutrition. Now it's time to take a new direction. To delve into spirit. Creativity. And art. All…adminApril 21, 2014
Podcast Rethinking the Science of Nutrition Wow! Last week's guest, T. Colin Campbell, got a huge response. It's only a week since publication and the episode is well on its way…adminApril 14, 2014
Podcast China Study Critics & How Plant-Based Nutrition Can Prevent & Reverse Disease This week we hit a huge milestone - 2 MILLION DOWNLOADS! Wow. I was blown away when we hit 1 million after about a year…adminApril 7, 2014
Podcast The Spiritual Road to Athletic Supremacy I had to put my dog down the other day. I want to tell you about it. It might seem unrelated to introducing today's podcast…adminMarch 31, 2014
Podcast Leveraging Plant-Based Nutrition to Treat, Prevent & Reverse Disease A few weeks back I had the pleasure of being a keynote speaker & instructor on the Holistic Holiday at Sea -- 1500 people cohabiting for…adminMarch 24, 2014
Podcast From Chubby Kid to Plantpowered, Marathon Running Host of Australian Idol I'm told that Osher Gunsberg is quite the thing Down Under. Under former stage name Andrew G he lit up Australian airwaves as host of…adminMarch 17, 2014
Podcast Why You Should Choose Yourself I love people who ask questions other people aren't asking. See trends others don't see. Have the courage to try a new approach. Risk the…adminMarch 10, 2014
Podcast Leveraging Mindfulness to Change Your Life Jonathan Fields is a super popular guy. There is a good reason for that, which I'm going to get into in a minute. Before I…adminMarch 3, 2014
Blog Why You Should Stop Lifehacking and Invest in the Journey A lark of a tweet I fired off last December that -- somewhat to my surprise -- went semi-viral, shared across a variety of social…adminFebruary 27, 2014
Podcast Making It Count and How To Do More “Work hard and be brave.” Casey Neistat Simple yet profound words from this week's guest, a man in full embrace of the ethos of living…adminFebruary 24, 2014
Blog The Art of Living with Purpose I have stuff to do. It was not my intention to write today. And now I must. A call to action catalyzed...adminFebruary 18, 2014
Podcast Breaking the Shackles of Apartheid in Medicine We need more doctors in the world like Dr. Frank Lipman. Western medicine is astounding when it comes to treating acute, isolated conditions -- a…adminFebruary 17, 2014