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11:11:11 Star Gate

By November 11, 2009No Comments

I’ll be posting soon on more training & nutrition stuff from Hawaii, but wanted to take a brief departure to ponder and share the importance of this auspicious day, November 11, 2009. To many spiritual seekers, this is a very important day, known as a STAR GATE in that it is 11:11:11 (add up 2-0-0-9 = 11). My wife has been sharing with me insight into what this means, including an e-mail she just forwarded from our friend Saul Raye, an amazing yoga teacher and source of great knowledge on all things spiritual. Here’s an excerpt of the e-mail, which I think perfectly encapsulates the meaning of today. I know I relate to the dismantling going across the planet, as we have experienced in in spades. I hope some of you can relate and realize that within the dismantling comes a great opportunity for all of us for growth into the beings we are all meant to be. We can try to “force” the status quo, attempt to “hang on” to what we have and inflict our will on our circumstances. I don’t know about you, but this strategy has done nothing for me lately other than cause pain. Instead, let’s consider letting go, allowing what will be and focus instead on our spiritual path. On becoming more of ourselves. Our true selves, manifesting our inner mastery of who we are. Surrender to this process, don’t resist and miracles in your life and those in your orbit are available to you…….

Here’s the message I wanted to share:

“Please take note. This may be the most important day we have experienced on the planet in a very very long time, maybe ever. This is the 11:11:11 Star Gate, and though we have experienced these before, (Once every 109 years), there are a few major differences. We are newly integrated humans, with newly recalibrated DNA. We have a consciousness we have never had before, which means that the downloads we receive today can be received and utilized in ways we have never had access to before. In a word, we are undergoing the infusion of keys and codes that take us to a new level of mastery, as individuals, as social creatures and as a collective race.

The planet is undergoing the same infusion of energies. Things are going to change from here on in. We must be aware and prepared for the shifts that are coming, on every level and in every life. Stillness, centeredness, compassionate detachment, a positive outlook, faith and trust are all prerequisites now. The time for cultivating these is over. (Not that there isn’t always room for improvement).

Those of us who wish to do whatever we do to the best of our abilities have become the trailblazers of the new order. Our worst is better than most people’s best. We are the new masters in human form. It is important, ESSENTIAL, to realize our Selves as such and to take every step, undertake every action from a place of inner knowing about who we are. We are the Light bearers, we bring Light wherever we go. Whatever we do, we are called to do it, and if we are willing to Know that, without judgment, resistance or begrudging, we will accomplish our mission, which is to keep the Light shining no matter what.

The aspects are intense right now. Mercury, the Sun and very shortly Venus are all aspecting the Ascension planets, Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius, and Uranus in Pisces. Each of these planets is making the same aspects to the four outer planets, bringing our Minds (Mercury), our Hearts (Venus) and our consciousness (Sun) into alignment with our higher Selves. Saturn and Uranus continue their 5 part opposition and Saturn forms the first of three squares to Pluto in just 4 more days. These squares and the Saturn Uranus opposition will last through next Summer, bringing change unlike anything we’ve seen any time lately.

Mercury is very active today. He trines Uranus this morning and squares Neptune tonight. Expect important news. News you’ve been waiting for and news you had no idea was coming. Say yes to whatever you hear, because it is your higher Self speaking directly to you today. This morning you’ll be surprised, tonight you’ll be confused, unless you say yes. If you do, then this morning’s surprises will wake you to the Truth you most need to know, and tonight’s confusion will bring a clarity unlike any you’ve ever known.

The Sun follows in a few days, and the fog will lift and the light will shine more brightly than ever before. Pay attention. Listen up. Don’t resist or deny or resist. Resistance is futile and can take you down paths you really don’t want to be taking right now. This is the moment to stand up tall, wherever you are, knowing you are right where you are supposed to be, and allow the universe that is your higher Self to infuse you with the truth that is most appropriate for you.

11 is the number of Mastery. Three 11’s make that Mastery manifest. Today is the day. Now is the time. Say Yes. Be Still and Know that you are God.”

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