A big part of my personal message is the incredible power of multi-sport as a tool for personal transformation. And so it’s become my mission to get as many people as I possibly can more active and participating in running, cycling, swimming and of course triathlon.
On a daily basis, I get a barrage of e-mails and social media requests from people all across the globe looking for good, solid and responsible insight, guidance and advice to help them achieve their goal of crossing the finish line in their first triathlon. I do my best to get back to everyone, and use my podcast, this blog and of course my book* to provide as much helpful information as possible.
But what I haven’t done is put together a comprehensive introductory training plan and/or PlantPowered nutrition meal plan primer focused solely and only on this singular objective.
Well now I don’t really have to. Why? Because my good buddy Matt Frazier of NoMeatAthlete.com did it for me. Damn you Matt, you beat me to it!
I am so proud to announce that the guy who brought you The NoMeatAthlete Marathon Roadmap and the NoMeatAthlete Half-Marathon Roadmap has done it again with his newest offering in the Roadmap series: The NoMeatAthlete Triathlon Roadmap: The Plant-Based Guide to Conquering Your First Triathlon.
The goal? To provide a comprehensive guide to help people of all ages irrespective of athletic ability complete their first sprint-distance triathlon — on a plant-based diet!
Written by Competitor columnist and resident NMA triathlete Susan Lacke with a foreword by my favorite female professional ironman triathlete Hillary Biscay ( my guest on episode 37 of The Rich Roll Podcast ) with copious nutritional information, guidance and resources from Matt Frazier himself, this all-in-one comprehensive guide takes all the mystery and guesswork out of preparing for your first triathlon. Sections include:
- Bike Maintenance
- Goal Setting & Worksheet
- Grocery Lists
- Diet Primer, Meal Plan & Recipes
- Race Day Prep & Packing List
- Comprehensive 12-Week Training Plan
- Equipment Basics
- Cyclist’s Rules of the Road
And much more. I stand by this program as a high quality, phenomenal way for the plant-curious, tri-curious out there who just need a push and the right tools to introduce yourself — or as a gift to someone you know — to the wonderful and life transformative world of triathlon.
Not familiar with NoMeatAthlete? Well you should be – it’s a fantastic web-based resource for everything you want and need to know about how to optimize your health and fitness on a plant-based diet. if you read Finding Ultra*, then you already know — I put a link to the site in the Resources Appendix!
The Triathlon Roadmap launches today — Tuesday August 13, 2013 — and will be offered at the reduced price of just $17 through Friday, August 16, 2013. After that, the price will go up to $27, and a few of the bonus interviews will be gone. So I strongly advise you to pick it up now before the price goes up! Click HERE for more information and to order (if you see a landing page to sign-up for notification when it goes live, I am told it will be live on Tuesday EST).
More of a runner and not so much into triathlon? Interested in completing a marathon or a half-marathon on a plant-based diet? Then check out some of the other great offerings from NMA, all awesome:
Also, Matt has a book coming out soon. What is it called? You guessed it – No Meat Athlete: Run on Plants and Discover Your Fittest, Fastest, Happiest Self. Sound familiar? You bet. I love it. Now available for pre-order, click HERE to check out what I and some of my favorite PlantPowered people like Brendan Brazier, Scott Jurek, PCRM’s Dr. Neal Barnard, bodybuilder Robert Cheeke, ZenHabits’ Leo Babauta, and former Rich Roll Podcast guests Sid Garza-Hillman , Osher Günsberg & Gene Baur have to say about it.
Bottom line: Matt is legit!
I encourage all of you to check out Matt’s offerings. Then let me know what you think in the comments section below.
Peace + Plants,
PS – here is a picture of me, Matt (right) and Matt’s NMA podcast compadre Doug Hay (left) of RockCreekRunner at last year’s DC VegFest. And if you still want more, these guys interviewed me for their NoMeatAthlete Radio Podcast– click HERE to check it out. See you again in DC for the VegFest this fall, boys? I’ll be there…

Doug Hay, Rich Roll & Matt Frazier at the DC VegFest, September 2012
*Disclosure: Books and products denoted with an asterisk are hyperlinked to an affiliate program. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.