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The 5 Pillars of Fulfilling Aging: Outdoor Adventurer Caroline Paul On Chasing Risk After 60, & Why Age Is Just A Mindset

By September 30, 2024No Comments
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Episode #861



Conventional thought portrays aging as a time to retreat from life’s adventures—as if adventure were just a youthful indulgence.

The truth is, our later years may catalyze our most daring escapades with the right mindset. Defying societal tropes about quietude in aging, some are challenging our collective preconceptions and exploring innate questions of risk, purpose, and what it means to live fully.

My guest today is Caroline Paul, a best-selling author and adventurer who has redefined the boundaries of what’s possible in our later decades. A former firefighter, paraglider pilot, and now a gyrocopter enthusiast at 60, Caroline embodies the fusion of physical audacity and spiritual growth across the lifespan. As the author of “The Gutsy Girl” and now “Tough Broad,” she’s pioneering a revolutionary approach to embracing aging.

Caroline’s palmarès are as diverse as they are impressive, from fighting fires in San Francisco to attempting Guinness World Records and flying experimental aircraft. Through these pursuits, she’s challenged the insidious cultural messaging about aging—especially for women. Her recent wing-walking experience, strapping herself to the top of a biplane in flight, exemplifies her commitment to pushing boundaries and embracing awe-inspiring challenges at any age.

“If we shift our mindset, our later years can be a time of exploration, adventure, and joy.”


Today, we explore how embracing uncertainty and physical challenges transforms us as we age. From boogie-boarding 70-year-olds to a BASE-jumping grandmother, Caroline shares stories of older adventurers, revealing how nature builds resilience at any age. We discuss how outdoor activities boost community, novelty, purpose, and health—vital elements of healthy aging.

Our conversation spans the benefits of nature for body and mind, the ethics of risk-taking in later life, and Caroline’s evolution of perspective on adventure. 

Caroline’s insights offer a compelling reframe of what it means to age with awe and wonder, while new research on aging mindsets sheds light on how our approach to getting older can dramatically impact our experience. 

Her path underscores the delicate balance between embracing adventure and acknowledging the realities of aging, touching on critical aspects such as mitigating fear, cultivating awe, and gaining perspective from nature’s vantage points.

For those who prefer a visual experience, the conversation is available on YouTube. As always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Whether you’re seeking inspiration to push beyond perceived limits or curious about the extraordinary capacities of the human spirit as we age, this conversation is a must-listen.

Peace + Plants,

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