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Ripped At 73: Chef Babette Davis On Self-Love, Fitness, & Reinvention At Any Age

By July 22, 2024No Comments
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Episode #846



What if the fountain of youth isn’t a myth but a way of life? How might embracing plant-based nutrition and radical self-love reshape our individual and collective well-being?

These aren’t just philosophical musings, but practical questions to overhaul our approach to health.

The keys to wellness and happiness aren’t necessarily confined to our genes or left to chance—they’re tangible outcomes of our dietary decisions, daily habits, and positive mental attitudes.

My guest today is Chef Babette Davis, a 73-year-old vegan chef, fitness icon, and social media sensation. In 2008, Chef Babette founded Stuff I Eat, a vegan restaurant in Inglewood, California, to bring healthy food options to underserved communities. Her path from personal transformation to community advocacy has inspired thousands. Chef Babette has committed herself to plant-based nutrition, self-love, and overall well-being, sharing her insights through her restaurant, social media presence, and numerous speaking engagements.

Chef Babette’s journey challenges conventional notions about aging and health. Her infectious enthusiasm for wellness is rooted in the body’s incredible capacity for healing and rejuvenation when nourished with whole, plant-based foods, a positive mindset, and the power of love. When cultivated, this approach can be invaluable in achieving optimal health, enabling us to tap into our body’s natural wisdom and vibrancy.

She points out that not all dietary choices are created equal. Processed foods and animal products can easily undermine our well-being. The key is learning to facilitate discernment—to separate truly nourishing decisions from those that may seem appealing but ultimately harm our health.

“There’s nothing you can do about the past, but you are in control of this moment.”


Today, we discuss Chef Babette’s evolution and her framework for longevity, which encompasses plant-based nutrition, regular exercise, and nurturing self-love. Chef Babette sheds light on the factors influencing our food options by delving into the differences between a standard American diet and a whole-food, plant-based approach.

We cover various thought-provoking topics, including understanding oneness and compassion, living in the moment, bringing nourishing meal options to underserved communities, her upcoming cooking show, protesting at Starbucks, and more.

This conversation is an invitation to reimagine our relationship with food and ourselves—to consider the extraordinary potential for health and vitality within each of us, regardless of age.

For those who prefer a visual experience, the conversation is available on YouTube. As always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

This one is a must-listen for anyone who has ever wondered about the secrets to lasting health and happiness or sought to make wiser choices in diet, fitness, and self-care.

Peace + Plants,

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