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The Godfather of Probiotics on Facts Vs Fiction, The Microbiome, & The Power of Microbes To Heal

By July 25, 2024No Comments
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Episode #847



The probiotic and microbiome space is awash with sensationalized claims, oversimplified solutions, and misunderstood science.

But how do we separate fact from fiction in the complex world of beneficial microbes? And how can we harness the power of probiotics for both human health and environmental preservation?

My guest today is Dr. Gregor Reid, a pioneer in probiotic research. Dr. Reid is a world-renowned microbiologist who chaired the UN/WHO Expert Panel that defined “probiotics,” the Director of the Canadian R&D Centre for Human Microbiome and Probiotics, and a prolific researcher with over 600 papers, has been cited over 57,000 times, and has received 32 patents. His career has focused on understanding the complex links between beneficial microbes and health, demonstrating how probiotics can influence our bodies and environment.

Dr. Reid’s research illustrates how microbes are intricately linked with human health. Trillions of microorganisms in our bodies play crucial roles in regulating our development, immune system, metabolism, and cognitive function.

By showing how specific probiotic strains can prevent diseases in premature infants, alleviate symptoms of various physiological disorders, and potentially address environmental issues, he provides a science-backed roadmap for harnessing the power of beneficial microbes.

“Probiotics are not magic bullets, but they should be part of our daily life.”


Today, we discuss the evolving world of probiotics and how these tiny organisms can significantly impact our health and even our planet. Dr. Reid breaks down the complex relationship between our microbiome and our bodies in an easy-to-understand way, covering how it affects us personally and how it could help solve some significant environmental issues.

He examines the hurdles in mainstreaming probiotics, including issues related to commodification. Dr. Reid is passionate about approaching this field intentionally—ensuring solid scientific backing. He explains the need for more human-based studies and how probiotics could be game-changers for global wellness and the environment.

We also discuss some eye-opening ways in which overusing antibiotics and eating a typical Western diet can mess with our microbiome. Dr. Reid connects the dots between these habits, several health and environmental problems, and much more.

For those who prefer a visual experience, the conversation is available on YouTube. As always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

I consider Dr. Reid a visionary scientist and passionate advocate. He is a change agent whose contributions to microbiology are invaluable to science and public health.

I hope this conversation is informative about the incredible potential of probiotics and empowers you to make more informed choices about your health and our environment.

Peace + Plants,

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