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If you enjoyed my conversation with Dr. Rhonda Patrick, you’re going to love today’s conversation with my new friend Ray Cronise.
A passionate innovator, disrupter and scientist, Ray began his career as a Materials Scientist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, where he worked for 15 years in Physical and Analytical Chemistry and Biophysics as Assistant Mission Scientist on four Spacelab missions and projects like the impact of microgravity on biophysics; and space station environmental life support systems.
I have no idea what any of that means, but it sounds impressive.
Ray went on to co-found ZERO-G— the world’s first private parabolic flight operation – with XPRIZE creator Peter Diamandis. Otherwise known as vomit comets, ZERO-G flights produce weightlessness and approximate space flight conditions for purposes of scientific research, cinema and entertainment.
But it wasn’t until Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Body* featured Ray’s pioneering work with cold stress therapy as as a tool for fat loss that Ray began popping up everywhere as the man behind the Metabolic Winter Hypothesis.
”Let’s change our dialogue about food. Let’s change our dialogue about exercise. Let’s look at this stuff and let’s change the way we actually do research.
Results motivated this prodigious scientific mind next to peer keenly into the chemistry, physiology, mechanics and research methodology behind human nutrition — specifically, what is wrong with current nutrition research and how to fix it. After copious investigation, analysis and self-experimentation, he has arrived upon a well supported but perhaps contrarian conclusion: a whole food plant-based diet is optimal for long-term health and wellness.
Despite decades spent struggling to manage his own weight and stay fit, for the past six years Ray has kept the weight off using a combination of cold stress, healthful sleep cycles, and a plant-based nutritional regimen.
A whole food plant-based diet is optimal for long-term health and wellness
Mainstream culture would deem Ray’s ways extreme. But ask Ray and he will tell you that the way most people live and eat today is actually a radical departure from our natural state and is likely the root cause of our epidemic of chronic lifestyle illness.
After listening to this guy you will realize one thing – he did not arrive at his conclusions lightly. Conclusions soon to be explored in his upcoming book, Our Broken Plate, which aims to change the way people look at all diets so they can make lasting lifestyle changes that improve what Ray calls healthspan.
Over the course of an amazing 3 hours, we cover an absurd amount of territory, including:
- Ray’s upcoming book ‘Our Broken Plate’
- the insanity of our protein obsession
- the “over nourishment” of America
- the impact of caloric & protein restriction on longevity & cancer
- the impact of thermogenesis on diet and exercise
- the importance of separating diet and exercise
- telomeres and aging
- nutrient deficiencies, supplements, instinctive eating; and
- exactly how Penn Jillette lost 100 pounds
Ray is next level when it comes to truly understanding how the body functions, and the profound impact of nutrition on physiological processes. So please enjoy this compelling deep dive into the mind and experiences of a rather remarkable man.
Peace + Plants,

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- Kickstarter: Our Broken Plate
- Withings: Ray Cronise Wants To Fix Our Broken Plate
- GoZeroG: ZERO-G History
- TrueNorth Health Center: healthpromoting.org
- Tipstoamorefulfillinglife: Sleep Your Excess Weight Away And Other Tricks
- Thermogenex: The Metabolic Winter Hypothesis
- Paper: The Great Protein Fiasco
- Paper: The ‘‘Metabolic Winter’’ Hypothesis: A Cause of the Current Epidemics of Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disease
- Paper: Interventions to Slow Aging in Humans: Are We Ready?
- Paper: Features of a successful therapeutic fast of 382 days’ duration
- TheAtlantic: The Benefits of Being Cold
- ABCNews: Feel the Freezer Burn: Losing Weight by Chilling the Body
- Wired: Hot Trend: Tapping the Power of Cold to Lose Weight
- YouTube: David Sinclair at TEDMED 2009
- USAToday: For Penn Jillette, Weight Loss is More Than Magic
- VegasSeven: Penn Jillette’s Great Disappearing Act
- Slowing the Aging Process Video Series With Dr. Michael Greger: bit.ly/eatyourplants
- Film: Tim’s Vermeer* by Tim Jenison & Penn Jillette
- Withings: Dear Penn by Penn Jillette
- Book: Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition* by T. Colin Campbell
- Book: The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World’s Healthiest People * by Dan Buettner
- Book: Tribes* by Seth Godin
- Book: Body For Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength *by Bill Phillips
Notable People Discussed in today’s podcast:
- Justus von Liebig: founder of organic chemistry
- Wilbur Olin Atwater: chemist known for his studies of human nutrition
- Max Rubner: physiologist and hygienist
- Dr. John McDougall: physician and author
- Nathaniel Dominy: anthropologist and evolutionary biologist
- Dr. Joel Fuhrman: author, physician, and speaker
- Dr. Rhonda Patrick: scientist and podcast host
- Dave Asprey: entrepreneur, businessman and author
- Tim Ferriss: author, entrepreneur and public speaker
- David Sinclair: biologist and Professor of Genetics
- Andrew Bremer: Director, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
- Michael Klaper: physician, author, and vegan
- Dr. Dean Ornish: physician and founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute
- Wim “Iceman” Hof: Dutch daredevil known for his ability to withstand extreme cold
- Peter Diamandis: engineer, physician and entrepreneur
- Steve Wozniak: inventor & Apple co-founder
- Catherine Garceau: synchronized swimmer
- Matt Frazier: author, blogger & runner
- Penn Jillette: magician, juggler, comedian, and inventor
- Elizabeth Parrish: founder and CEO of BioVia Sciences USA
- Doug Lisle: psychologist and Director of Research for TrueNorth Health Center
- Jeff Novick: dietitian and nutritionist for TrueNorth Health Center
- Alan Goldhamer: physician and founder of TrueNorth Health Center
- Tim Jenison: inventor and founder of NewTek, Inc.
- Ancel Keys: scientist who studied the influence of diet on health
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Music by Ana Leimma. Show notes & additional production by Chris Swan. Graphic art by Shawn Patterson.
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