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Log Off, Turn In, & Tune Up

By April 6, 2023No Comments
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Episode #747



We are here to grow. We are here to transform. This is our birthright. This is our purpose.

Growth requires getting out of your comfort zone and exploring unchartered terrain—physically and mentally, but also intellectually and creatively.

This is a critical and recurring theme of this show, one I can’t just keep talking about. I myself need to demonstrate it, to live it myself. To walk it.

It is in this spirit that today I venture out of my comfort zone to share some thoughts in monologue format—a first for this podcast and an experiment I hope provides value.

“The acceptance, love, and fulfillment we seek cannot be found on the same platforms that contribute to our anxiety, depression, and despair.”


Today I explore our evolving and complicated relationship with the digital world—and the ways in which social media behemoths have formed ecosystems specifically and scientifically designed to hijack our attention, rather than creating a useful and healthy experience for the end user.

Now more than ever, it’s imperative to exert greater agency over our sovereignty. To live with more presence—and with greater consciousness.

As always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple PodcastsSpotify and YouTube (audio only—we didn’t film this one).

Everything I am expressing here is a needed reminder to myself as much as to you. I am certainly no master.

My hope is that this episode inspires you to go inward—and leads you to a daily life of more purpose and intention.


Peace + Plants,

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Thank The Team: I do not do this alone. Send your love to Jason Camiolo for audio engineering, production, show notes and interstitial music; with additional audio engineering by Cale Curtis and additional music by Moby; Blake Curtis & Dan Drake for video, & editing; graphics by Jessica Miranda & Daniel Solis; portraits by Davy Greenberg, Grayson Wilder & Gizelle Peters; video clips for social media are created by AJ Akpodiete; copywriting by Georgia Whaley; and theme music by Tyler Piatt, Trapper Piatt & Hari Mathis.

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