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How a Plant-Based Diet Can Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease

By August 18, 2013May 24th, 20198 Comments
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Today I delve deep with the magnificent and one and only Joel Kahn, M.D. to discuss the power of diet and lifestyle on heart health and long-term wellness.

Joel calls himself an Interpreventional Cardiolgist. What is that? It means that he treats his patients with a blend of traditional interventional cardiology (stents) as well as preventive cardiology. It’s this rare combination that makes Dr. Kahn unique in his field.

But let there be no mistake – Dr. Kahn is no new age hippie.  In additional to several post-doctorate certifications, he graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Michigan’s prestigious Inteflex program (a 6-year undergraduate / graduate program that developed doctors fresh out of high school) and has served as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) at Wayne State University School of Medicine since 1993.

In addition, Dr. Kahn has authored over 130 articles on heart disease, over 10 book chapters (as well as a new book due out in February 2014), and several monographs and video national presentations. He is a frequent lecturer on heart disease and its prevention. He has performed thousands of cardiac catheterizations and stent procedures and has been advising patients on heart healthy programs for over 20 years.

In other words, Dr. Kahn knows what he is talking about.  And his message is powerful — if you want to experience true long-term wellness, then you must focus on implementing sustainable long-term preventive protocols into your lifestyle.  And this starts and ends with diet and active lifestyle.

It was an honor to spend 90 minutes with Dr. Kahn, and his message is invaluable.  Simply put, the world would be a better place if we had more doctors like him.  So listen up people.

Take his message to heart. Literally. And enjoy.

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  • Rick says:

    It’s tragic that there are so few cardiologists like Dr. Kahn. I have consulted with and subscribe to Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s approach, and it has worked wonders for me. Four years ago, my heart stopped during a tennis match, but miraculously a cardiologist was playing on the other team. He and another doc in the building for a match (peds intensivist) performed world class cpr for at least 13 minutes until a rescue squad arrived with a defib unit to restart my heart. My ER report includes the diagnosis “sudden clinical death.” That night I had a X6 bypass surgery. Within weeks, I discovered Dr. Esselstyn and have been totally committed to the plant based program ever since. Despite the fact that two of my bypass grafts didn’t “take,” I worked myself back into shape, developed good collaterals, and run 10k’s and sprint multi-sport events. I do well within my age group. My blood pressure is low and stable and I don’t need the meds prescribed to most in my situation. Dr. Kahn’s contributions on Mind Body Green are excellent. Rich, you do a great job with interviewing, allowing the guests to elaborate and explain in response to your insightful questions. Plants!

  • Lisa Ray says:

    I wanted to check out the website that Dr Kahn recommended for supplements. I thought it was but that doesn’t appear to be it and I don’t see it listed in you show notes. Any suggestions?

  • Rick says:

    Lisa, it’s -The Life Extension Foundation.

  • Rick says:

    Lisa, it’s -the Life Extension Foundation.

  • Monique says:

    What a great interview. Thanks for introducing me to another plant-based mentor! I wish we would have such well-informed doctors like him in the Netherlands.

  • Lisa Ray says:

    Thanks, Rick.

  • Kelly Mahoney says:

    If you have the doctor on again, I would like to hear his opinion on the causation of heart disease from cholesterol. His aforementioned colleague Dr. William Davis calls it a “fairly tale of the 21st century”.

  • elansunstar says:

    I have been on a low fat raw vegan diet for 48 years and I appreciate this correction of the recent fads in assymptions about fat and health… thanks for your clarity.

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