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Nutritionist Andy Bellatti, MS, RD: Taking A Stand On Real Food

By May 2, 2013June 16th, 20235 Comments


Today on the show I welcome nutritionist and dietitian Andy Bellatti MS, RD.  Sure we talk plant-based and other issues related to optimal nutrition (hint: eat REAL FOOD!).

But what makes Andy unique amongst his peers isn’t so much his pro-plant bias as it is his passion for calling out the inextricable link between giant food corporations and how we innately come to think and feel about the foods we (often unconsciously choose to) eat.

From congressional legislation to school lunch policy, the food pyramid and what we are actually led to believe we need to live and thrive is in more ways than you would imagine completely dictated by these corporations, their lobbying efforts and Madison Avenue advertising agencies.  What makes Andy different is his courage to take a stand on this issue and his tireless push for positive changes, both systemic and individual.



One more self-serving rant: the paperback version of  Finding Ultra*  is coming out on May 21.  Sure, that’s still a bit off in the distance, but it’s already up on Amazon.  Pre-order now by clicking  HERE*  and get it before it hits bookstores!

Thanks for listening!

*Disclosure: Books and products denoted with an asterisk are hyperlinked to an affiliate program. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.



  • Meg says:

    One of your best yet – GREAT interview – so interesting! Thanks for posting.

  • Will says:

    Great. Wonderful. Factual. And yes Rich, quite illuminating.

  • Rachel says:

    What a fantastic interview! I really enjoyed listening to Andy and found it all so interesting. The more I learn about nutrition and nutrition policies, the more I realize I don’t know. Thanks Rich and Andy for all you do. We need more people like you!

  • Chad Dalrymple says:

    What a great interview! This has been my favorite yet. I learned a lot from this one.

  • lynn kale says:

    I would LOVE to hear a podcast where you interview Mark Bittman

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