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The Iceman Cometh: Wim Hof On Elevating Consciousness & Amplifying Human Potential

By November 25, 2018January 23rd, 2024No Comments

“We are so successful at being comfortable that comfort is becoming the enemy of success.”

Wim Hof

Today we dive into the deep end of higher consciousness. We challenge the limits of human potential. And we explore the power of the mind to unlock superhuman capabilities.

Our instrument for this week’s fantastic voyage is Wim Hof — aka The Iceman. 

Dropping in for his second podcast appearance — his first being RRP 231 from June 2016 — Wim is a Dutch-born world record holder, adventurer, daredevil and human guinea pig best known for his preternatural ability to withstand extreme cold.

More significant is Wim’s experimentation with specific and teachable breathing techniques. Rooted in the ancient yogic tradition of pranayama and canonized for a modern audience as The Wim Hof Method, Wim asserts that through such breath techniques he can turn up his internal thermostat and activate his sympathetic nervous system — abilities conventionally believed beyond conscious control.


Understanding the far-fetched nature of his claims, Wim put his contentions to the test. Among his twenty world-record setting feats of otherworldly insanity, Wim has:

  • scaled above death zone altitude (22,000 ft) on Mount Everest shirtless adorned in nothing but shorts;
  • completed a full marathon above the polar circle in Finland barefoot and again shirtless and in shorts;
  • summited Kilimanjaro in less than 2 days, again in nothing but shorts;
  • swam a world record 66 meters under a meter of ice above the polar circle;
  • sat in an ice bath for almost two hours straight;
  • ran a full marathon in the Namib Desert without water; and
  • remained asymptomatic after a poisonous E. coli endotoxin injection certain to make any human being very ill

All of this is seemingly insane. But Wim declares his feats not only replicable but entirely teachable — a curriculum that holds the potential to unlock a battery of human superpowers that extend well beyond extreme temperature tolerance to metabolic ‘reptilian brain’ functions previously thought beyond conscious manipulation.

Picking up where we left off in RRP 231, this conversation focuses less on Wim’s feats of incredulity and more on the nature of consciousness and the primacy of its elevation. We discuss our current crisis of awareness. The importance of challenging long-held, status quo beliefs. And the warrior’s path required to live fully actualized.

Wild, calm, powerful and gentle all at the same time, Wim is undoubtedly one of the most compelling and unique people I have ever met — a man who will shock you out of your comfort zone and call into question the countless unnecessary limits we impose upon ourselves daily.

This journey begins with the breath. It extends to service, compassion, and gratitude. And it culminates in love.

Disclaimer: Never practice breathing exercises before/during any activities where a loss of consciousness may prove life threatening. The breathing methods discussed may have a profound effect and should be practiced exactly as explained and always in a safe environment. Wim strongly advises you to gradually build up your exposure to the cold. Always train without force and listen to your body carefully. If not practiced responsibly, you risk hypothermia or worse. And finally, always consult your doctor first before beginning any exercise program.

Online Course Discount: Wim was kind enough to offer my listeners 35% off his 10-week online course when you enter the code Rich35 at checkout before December 2, 2018 (this is Wim’s gift – I do not profit from this in any way). To learn more and signup, visit:

Final reminder that this podcast is also viewable on YouTube here. Click here to watch Wim take Rich through a breathing exercise.

Inhale deeply, and please enjoy this roller-coaster thrill ride with The Iceman.

Peace + Plants,


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Thanks to this week’s sponsors

Note: One of the best ways to support the podcast is to support the sponsors. For a complete list of all RRP sponsors and their respective vanity url’s and discount codes, visit my Resources page and click “Sponsors”.


To learn the Wim Hof Method, visit: & enter offer code RICH35 to get 35% off (discount available December 2, 2018) OR Try the FREE Mini-Class HERE!

Background, Context & Reference:

Books Referenced & Recommended:

Notable People Discussed:

  • Elissa Epel PhD: Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, at University of California, San Francisco, Director of the Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions Center, and the Consortium for Obesity Assessment, Study, & Treatment
  • Joseph Campbell: was an American Professor of Literature at Sarah Lawrence College who worked in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work covers many aspects of the human experience

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Thanks to Jason Camiolo for production, audio engineering and show notes. Margo Lubin and Blake Curtis for video, editing and graphics. Interstitial music performed by Wim Hof. Portraits by Reece Robinson. Theme music by Ana Leimma.

*Disclosure: Books and products denoted with an asterisk are hyperlinked to an affiliate program. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


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