Blog Let’s Talk About Community “We've detached from the benefits and the beauty that can be experienced by a more collective, communal way of approaching our daily lives -- and…adminFebruary 13, 2016
Blog Let’s Talk About Meditation I'm not an expert on meditation. But I have learned a few things. If you are interested in meditation but struggle with how to begin…adminJanuary 31, 2016
Podcast Don’t Compromise: Living An Expansive Life, The Divine Throughline, Thoughts on Bowie & Why All Roads Lead To Meditation "I'm just an individual who doesn't feel that I need to have somebody qualify my work in any particular way. I'm working for me." David…adminJanuary 14, 2016
Podcast The D Word: Let’s talk About Death "It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live." Marcus Aurelius Last episode we learned how How Not…adminDecember 9, 2015
Podcast Stop Living Like You Get A ‘Do-Over’ Life "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." Oscar Wilde We're back with yet another installment of Ask…adminOctober 7, 2015
Podcast The Process of Process Is Process "What if that negative story you have been telling yourself about yourself your whole life simply isn't true?" Rich Roll Julie and I are back…adminAugust 20, 2015
Podcast Stop Asking For Permission "The resentment and judgment that we are projecting at others is, in fact, the resentment and the judgment we have for ourselves…and that is the…adminAugust 12, 2015
Podcast James & Claudia Altucher Choose Themselves: Musings On Relationships, The Power of Vulnerability & Creating Success Doing What You Love "Being grateful is the bridge between the world of nightmares and the world where we are free to say no. It's the bridge between the…adminAugust 5, 2015
Podcast How To Cultivate Extraordinary Relationships & The Power of Neutrality In Navigating Conflict "Remember that you cannot control what happens to you. But you can control who you are in the face of what happens to you." Julie…adminJuly 15, 2015
Podcast How Do You Define True Health? Plus: Ruminations On Aging, Death & The Importance of Open Communication "Only you can tell the world what is locked inside your heart, what is yearning to come out. Eating plant-based and becoming healthy and understanding…adminJuly 8, 2015
Podcast How Eating Raw Repaired My Health and Gave My Life Purpose With Fully Raw Kristina "The coolest part about food is that it’s something that you get to eat. We get to eat color for a living. We get to…adminJuly 5, 2015
Podcast How To Be ‘Self-Full’: Co-Dependency, Navigating Fear & Connecting With Who You Really Are "The reality is: if you’re not aligned in yourself, you’re not able to help. You’re really not in a place of being able to really…adminJuly 1, 2015